Career In Mining (CIM)

How did this come to our attention?

Many volunteers have reached out asking several questions relating to how to chart a career course within the mining value chain. Hence, we thought to start a project aimed at answering these questions by inviting guests who have successfully & practically navigated their careers.


An exclusive monthly event for a select registered audience.

Why not consider a career in the industry that is the bedrock for the modern industrial economy?

Want to partake in this event?

Not a problem. Register Now!!!
Limited Seats Availiable

The Career Option

Career In Mining Roadmap

Though not exhaustive, this image provides a broad view of career options available within the operational value chain of a mineral project.


For the CIM project, professionals for each of the career options will be invited to give a comprehensive overview of their roles.

Career in mining

So, have you had career questions such as;  

  • How do I start?
  • Has anybody done it?
  • What is the process like?
  • Is there an earning prospect for my chosen path?
  • What career choice within the mining industry best suits me?

If yes,


Register your interest here to receive a monthly exclusive invite to CIM conversations. 


How does this project work?

Each month at least a guest from one of the career options in the roadmap above will be invited to speak specifically to question that registered participants have asked on our various community platforms. 

How do I register or participate?

Where is the AfriMine Community?





Engage & ask your questions on these platforms. 

Do you have specific questions for the invited quest? 

Simply ask your question on any of the above-listed social communities. 

AfriMine Volunteers will collate these questions & ask the guest accordingly.